We are hiring for an Auto Technician! Please stop in the shop for more details!
PHONE (815) 786-7670
Hours: M-F, 8-5 & Sat, 8-12
100 Gletty Road, Sandwich, IL

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Solid Center Rib -Aids in light handling responsiveness, comfort and rolling feel
Interlocking Solid Shoulder Rib -Maintains flexibility for traction, yet stable for handling and resistance to irregular wear
Wide Main grooves -For water drainage
Closed Shoulder Slot -Reduces pass by noise.
Radial Shoulder Angle -Maximizes stiffness for limit handling.
Solid Center Rib -Aids in light handling responsiveness, comfort and rolling feel
Interlocking Solid Shoulder Rib -Maintains flexibility for traction, yet stable for handling and resistance to irregular wear
Wide Main grooves -For water drainage
Closed Shoulder Slot -Reduces pass by noise.
Radial Shoulder Angle -Maximizes stiffness for limit handling.

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